You can upload a number of document types to your OLA / Levelfield website through the Upload directory.  The following document types are supported:

  • .Doc/Docx: Word Documents
  • .PPT/PPTX Power Point Presentations
  • .XLS/XLSX Excel Spreadsheets
  • .TXT Notepad/Text Files
  • .PDF Adobe Portable Document Format


From the Upload Directory Click on the Documents button

From the Documents directory click on one of the green upload buttons to upload new documents:

This will open the Document Selection Screen where you can select up to 10 documents to upload into your account:

When you click the Browse button next to one of the Upload Slots it will open a standard system File Selection Dialog box that will allow you to navigate on your computer to the location that you have saved your document:

Once you have selected the file you want to upload click the Open buttong on the Open File window.  This will load the PATH of the file to be uploaded:

Repeat the process for each document that you want to upload then click the upload button at the end of the list


Once you have uploaded a document you can link it into your site just like you add a link to the body section:

  • from the Document List right click the View link associated with the document and select Copy Shortcut


This will copy the link into your system clipboard. If you have multiple links then you will need to save them to a text  document so that you can add them without going back to the upload page to get the links.


The link will look something like this:

The Sicky Notes Application (verison of both Mac and PC usually already installed) works great for this


Adding the link

Once you have the URLs for your documents it is time to add the link. There are two ways you can add a link:  To a text anchor (fancy way to say works that have a link)  in the text of your website or in a link box.

To add the link to a Text Achor follow these steps:

Go to the Body section that you want to add the the link to and type in or highlight the test you want to add the link to:

This is the text I want to make the link

With the text still highlighted click the insert link icon in the tool bar

Once you have added the URL through the add link option make sure to cick the save button to save your newly added link:


Topic Review

  • Upload the document to the documents directory in the Upload area
  • Right click the view link associated with the uploaded document
  • In the body section you want to link the document select the text you want people to click
  • Click the Insert Edit Link icon
  • Paste in the document URL
  • Click OK
  • Click Save



Levelfield Website Designs