There are two ways to get members into your Directory:

Initial Member Import or New Business Wizard

Initial Member Import

When your account was first created we provided you a spreadsheet to fill out that was used to import your initial directory into our system.

New Business Wizard

The New Business Wizard allows you to enter businesses one at a time into your directory. 

To Launch the New Business Wizard click the link from the Your Wizards section of your Levelfield Account Dashboard.

The New Business Wizard will walk you through setting up the new member:

Business Class

  • Lodging
  • Restaurant
  • Shop
  • Real Estate
  • Attraction
  • Service

Business Type

Each of the Classes is further sub-divided into different Business Types. You can select multiple types for each class of business but each business can only be in One Classification.

Once you have selected the Business Class and the Business type you can complete the Business Info to create the full member account.

The last window in the wizard is a confirmation screen letting you know that your new member has been created:

Once you have added the new business it will show up automatically in your business directory!

Levelfield Website Designs