In addition to the typical submission tool you can also submit your site map to Google through the Google Site Maps Program.  This requires that you have the Levelfield Broadcast Option and a Google Account. The process works like this:

Step 1: From your Account Dashboard Click the link that says Generate Google Site Map:


Step 2: The Click OK on the confirmation screen:


Step 3: This will provide the link for the google site map and the upload area for the Google Verification Method:

Step 4: Now you will need to log In to your Google Account

 If you do not have a Google Account you can sign up for one here:

Once you have signed into or created your Google Account click on Webmaster Tools:

Step 5: Add your domain to your Account

Enter your web address in the sites field and click the Add Site Button.  This will add your site to the list of sites managed in this google account. 

Step 6: Access your Site map and Verify your domain

Now you need to verify your ownership of the site. You can do this by clicking the Verify site link

Click the Add button and then enter your google site map address (you only need to enter google_map.xml)

click the verify and choose the upload an HTML File Method and then copy the file name similar to: googled399ec222b5da19d.html. Enter that into your OLA/ Levelfield Google Site Map verification Field and click save.  Wait several minutes then back in your google account click the Verify button:

Once your site is verified the Verify link will change to a green check mark in your Google account site list.

Levelfield Website Designs